Youth Aviation Adventure
Chesapeake Sport Pilot is a proud participant in the Youth Aviation Adventure Program, a Boy Scout and Girl Scout aviation badge/patch program. We hold this event once each spring alternating years between Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. 2018 is a Boy Scout year.
In the morning, our volunteers set up teaching stations which teach the scouts various aspects of aviation ranging from airplane aerodynamics to aviation careers. The information taught at these stations is designed to meet the requirements of the badge/patch. The program officially ends at lunch.
After lunch, the teenagers are invited to participate in Young Aviator flights. The Young Aviator pilots, most of whom are also customers at Chesapeake Sport Pilot, volunteer their time and aircraft to give the kids free flights and the experience of a lifetime. These flight are not only fun, but help reinforce knowledge learned earlier in the day at the YAA program.
These programs are very labor intensive and we are always looking for dependable volunteers to pull them off. To volunteer please contact Scout leaders interested in participating should also contact Chesapeake Sport Pilot.
Photo by: Karen Helfert
Merit Badge Requirements
YAA Powerplants Presentation Installation
YAA Aviation MB Test 2016 (Final)
Merit badge councilors, please complete the following:
Youth Protection Training
BSA Merit Badge Counselor Application
BSA Adult Leader Application 2016
Send it all to:
Timothy L. Mullady
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Marine Invasions Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 28
647 Contees Wharf Road
Edgewater, MD 21037 USA
Phone: (443)-482-2465
Fax: (443)-482-2380