Whether you are a seasoned pilot getting back into flying after a significant layoff or an new and active pilot just trying to maintain your currency, a flight review is a great way to dust off old skills and build some new ones. CSP flight instructors are happy to customize your flight review to your needs and interest. Uncomfortable in the SFRA? Haven't talked with a control tower in a while? Always wanted to land at BWI? How about a seaplane rating? This is a great opportunity to practice with an instructor while meeting your FAA requirements.

Below are two homework assignments that we ask you to complete prior to meeting your instructor in the classroom for your flight review. These homework assignments will allow you to generate questions and assist your instructor with guiding your discussion in a manor tailored to your individual needs.

Flight Review FAR Questionnaire

Personal Pilot Proficiency Plan

Doing you flight review in an LSA? Please check this out.