Our next rusty pilot seminar has not yet been scheduled but that's no reason not to come flying with us!

We help rusty pilots return to the cockpit all year long!

Haven't flown in a while? Rusty pilots can enjoy the camaraderie of fellow pilots at CSP while knocking the rust off and learning to fly an LSA or climbing back into a C172. No medical is required at CSP which eliminates one hassle right off the bat. A drivers license suffices for our LSAs and Basic Med for our 172s. Our friendly instructors will work with you to get you caught up on what you've missed and help you ease your way back into the cockpit.

While we are happy to work with rusty pilots every day of the year, we are holding a special in-person pancake breakfast and rusty pilot seminar for Rusty Pilots on January 6th at 8am.

Please call the school to schedule flight training. 410-604-1717

Tips For Success

Rusty pilots who have the greatest level of success at returning to the skies have one thing in common: realistic expectations.  If you haven't flown in a while, a flight review is going to take some time.

CSP holds all of our customers to a high standard. LSAs have a higher accident rate than GA planes which is largely attributed to Cessna and Piper pilots with inadequate LSA transition training. We hold our customers to a high standard both for their safety and to protect our equipment.

That being said, pilots who come into our rusty pilot refresher program with realistic expectations about how rusty they are, the fact that they won't learn as quickly as they did when they were younger, and that they are transitioning to a new plane which requires a higher level of stick-and-rudder skill than most GA planes, will not only succeed but enjoy the learning process, gain new skills, and make new friends along the way.