Van’s RV-12

Vans RV-12 training and rentalsThere is a reason that Van's aircraft has become the number one airplane kit producer in the country.  Vans RV owners simply refer to it as "the RV smile" which is that look a pilot gets on his face after flying a plane with such nimble handling and perfectly harmonized controls as a Vans RV. That smile is a key component of the RV-12.

While the hallmark of Vans aircraft in addition to the handling has always been the fantastic economy the pilot gets with a 10 gph engine and a 200mph plane, the RV-12, which is the first factory built Vans aircraft, slows things down a bit to keep the plane under the light sport speed limit. The Vans signature nimble handling and harmonized controls are retained and the virtually indestructible and fuel efficient Rotax 912US engine is added to the mix creating what may be the perfect training aircraft.


Wing Span
Wing Area
Empty Weight
Gross Weight
Wing Loading (gross weight)
Power Loadings (gross weight)

Fuel Capacity
Cabin Width


26′ 9″
19′ 11″
8′ 4″
127 sq. ft.
740 lbs.
1320 lbs.
10.4 lbs/sq. ft
13.2 lbs/hp
Rotax 912ULS
Sensenich Composite Ground Adjustable
20 US Gallons
50 lbs.


Top Speed
Cruise (7500’ @ 5500 rpm)
Cruise (7500’ @ 5000 rpm)
Stall Speed
Takeoff Distance

135 mph
131 mph
116 mph
47 mph
700 ft.

Landing Distance
Rate of Climb
Range (7500’ @ 5500 rpm)
Range (7500’ @ 5000 rpm)

525 ft.
900 fpm
13,800 ft.
555 miles
614 miles